The complex accounting requirements that come with owning and operating an aircraft demand the skills of a CPA firm that knows the aviation industry. Mark Feinsot has years of real world experience serving as a chief pilot and flight instructor so he understands the financial challenges to claiming tax breaks and deductions on an airplane. When you work with our firm, you can count on us to help you minimize taxes while staying in compliance with government mandates and avoiding activities that could attract attention from the IRS.
Whether you own a small aircraft, run an aviation business, or are contemplating a fractional ownership agreement, we'll provide the right guidance and support. From bookkeeping and financial statements to comprehensive tax planning, our New York City CPA firm offers a full range of aviation accounting services. Contact us now to request a free consultation.
In addition to our aviation accounting services, Mark E. Feinsot, CPA can assist with all of your accounting, tax, and general business planning functions. First, we learn all we can about your business and take note of any concerns you may have about your finances. Then we take a hard look at all aspects of your business and find ways to plan ahead for cash flow needs, improve internal controls, and keep your books in order throughout the year. Learn more by visiting our main website.
Schedule a consultation today and you'll receive our FREE book, "Writeoffs to the Rescue!".
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